Large head sculpt by the robot and it’s genius engineer.
This sculpt was a good example of the flexibility of robotic milling. The surface finish may look rough with the visible machining tool marks, but these are intentional. Our client had a budget and needed the piece within a given timeframe. The prop was going to have a stone effect final surface finish so the surface finish off of the robot was not as important as the cost and time involved in producing the prop.
The sculpt took around 8 hours of programming and 12 hours to produce on our Kuka KR210-L180 robot arm

The 3 images below show the prop during the process to create a stone effect surface.

This next image shows the prop after it has been coated with a PU resin which was applied by our sister company JMSS ltd. This makes the prop extremely tough and wear resistant.

The next 2 images show the prop during the final painting process. After this it will be on the van and off to the set of a music video.